Foam Blaster Machine  (Includes Two hours of Foam Solution)

Foam Blaster Machine (Includes Two hours of Foam Solution)

    • Outlets: 1

    • $310.00
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Customer must have access to water

(Includes Two Hours of Foam Solutions)

The Foam Party Supplies Foam Blaster Machine will fill an area with foam, 30 x 40, 5 feet deep in less than 7 minutes.

The foaming machine can run for around 45 minutes on one powder bag mixed with five water gallons. Depending on the flow and water pressure, this period may change. Mix one powder bag with 50 gallons of water in your drum if you are using a pump and barrel setup.
This foam powder, developed in the USA, received dermatological board certification. When used correctly, Foam Powder is 100% organic, has no smell, and contains no additional additives that can irritate the eyes, skin, or grass.

  • Start the foam machine

Once you have set up everything, turn on the machine to enjoy your foam party. Have towels at hand for cleanup in case of a mess.

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